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I was born in the middle of somewhere unspecific and given the name Shashi for no apparent reason. Then, out of no where, I was given parents, citizenship and a home. 

Like the infamous name Saroo Brierly of the novel/film, Lion, my name has been mispronounced by most Australians for the past 25 years. The ambiguity around Sha-Shi continues into culturally trying, 21st century Australia. 


When I put on my glasses, I wear two lenses: the uncertainty surrounding how to pronounce my name, and the questions around my origins.

While things are not black and whyte, I struggle to see the world through anything other the colour of my skin and the whiteness of my upbringing. As a result, the questions, the incertitude, and the incertitude that exists behind the answers, are catalyst for this blog.

There is not a week that goes by where my name is not mispronounced, nor my identity questioned, "Are you Aboriginal/Sri Lankan/Pakistani? Where are you from?"


I strive to get to a stage where the answer and the question have equal value in my world.

Be kind. Be you. 


"Bossy, demanding, overly cleanly, good at walking, cooks well, strong taste in toothpaste and outerwear"

- Jet , My dog

"Shashi is an abductor of all good things in life- peace, quiet, the status quo "

- Mels, The  neighbour's cat

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